Sunday, October 18, 2009

Solar Energy Industry group calls for oil drilling!

FlaSEIA, whom I have referenced numerous times in this blog as the "go-to" group representing solar in Florida recently shocked pretty-much everyone by endorsing oil drilling in Florida. The supposition of their support resting on the notion that the new revenue from royalties and taxes on the found oil and gas could be used to subsidize solar and other alternative energy production.

Setting aside the revolting idea that an alternative energy organization would push for more of their dirty carbon competition, I have some serious concerns about the economic conclusions being reached by the solar group.

The Florida legislature has not adequately funded education, much less the State's solar rebate program. Without stimulus money from Washington this year, the school system state-wide would have been adding thousands of teachers to the ranks of the unemployed, but would have completely emptied the coffers for the rebate program and probably left thousands of solar installations in the lurch.

Even then, to "balance" the budget this year, the State swept hundreds of millions of dollars from "trust funds" into the general fund. The trust fund idea that FlaSEIA thinks will provide support for solar, didn't protect programs designed to clean up toxic sites or build affordable houses, so to assume that alternative energy funding is untouchable is absurd.

The group should return to advocating for solar by passing a renewable portfolio standard with a solar carve-out and pushing for their "permanent funding source" through a public benefit fund like every other state has been doing.

Just because Florida is one of the most backward places in the US when it comes to energy policy (amongst many), doesn't mean we should embrace stupid.

Here's a link to the FlaSEIA position paper, and a link to the story in the South Florida Business Journal

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