Thursday, January 7, 2010

County developing sustainability plan - comments wanted on first report

Miami-Dade County is developing a comprehensive sustainability plan. Hopefully it will go from plan to action instead of a shelf collecting organic dust.

I won't let the pessimist in me rule the day, so I'll be one to dig into the report and send some comments.  The County released an "assessment report" a couple weeks ago and is looking for comments ASAP.  Please take a look at the site and see what you think, let them know if you like the measures they're using to determine "where we are" and send ideas on what you want to see in the report if it isn't there.

Climate change and energy are two major subject areas in the report.

Here's some additional info from the County's Sustainability office:

Please note that the purpose of the Assessment Report is to identify how County residents / businesses / governments / organizations are doing with regard to sustainability (environmental/economic/social equity) issues and to identify existing challenges.   In addition to trying to get a snapshot of where things stand with regard to sustainability, the function of the Assessment Report is also to identify metrics that can be used in the future to  assess how much (or how little) progress we make each year with regard to identified challenges.

The purpose of the Assessment Report is not to set goals or decide which initiatives should be a priority  – these will be different steps of the sustainability plan process, and we will be requesting public input for these steps in the future.

Miami-Dade College PV installation and design workshops - January 15, 16, 22, 23

Workshops for basic and now advanced photovoltaic installation and design are available again at Miami-Dade College through the Earth Ethics Institute.  Classes from January 15 through the 23rd.  Visit their site for details and how to register: