Friday, September 17, 2010

Governor, House "leadership" food-fight over energy efficiency and solar rebates

The following appeared in the Miami Herald yesterday and I can't believe how insane our legislative leadership is. The Senate "budget chief" JD Alexander clearly talks out of his butt on a regular basis.  He is quoted as saying that solar panels take "as much energy to make a solar panel as it likely generates in its entire life" which is the biggest pile of crap ever blurted out of someone's uninformed mouth in a very long time.

Energy rebates stalled amid tiff between Crist, lawmakers

 There was plenty of heat over lawmakers' refusal to consider Gov. Crist's pitch to make Florida eligible for $31.5 million in energy rebates.

BY LEE LOGAN, Herald/Times Tallahassee Bureau

Payments for two popular green energy rebate programs are stalled because of a high-profile budget disagreement between Gov. Charlie Crist and the Legislature.

Florida is in line for $31.5 million in federal stimulus money for the 2006 solar rebate program and a new program that helps people modernize their air conditioners.

Crist had asked a special legislative commission to authorize the funding as it made adjustments to the state budget Wednesday. But lawmakers ignored the request, arguing that only the full Legislature, not the budget commission, could authorize the money.

``Florida has already received federal approval to use the funds,'' Crist said Tuesday in a letter to House Speaker Larry Cretul and Senate President Jeff Atwater. ``I continue to encourage you to act quickly so that these funds can begin flowing into Florida's marketplace.''

Crist said $13.9 million is available for the popular solar rebate program, which ran out of money because of tight budgets and owes Floridians $52.7 million in unpaid rebates.

Crist asked for money in this year's budget to reduce the backlog, but the lawmakers ``affirmatively declined'' the request, said Senate budget chief J.D. Alexander, R-Lake Wales. He argues the program rewards rich people who can afford to buy solar systems. ``It takes as much energy to make a solar panel as it likely generates in its entire life,'' Alexander said. ``I really doubt that this is a good investment for the people of Florida.''

Read more

Sunday, September 12, 2010

From Grist online mag: Florida governor’s race: Sink vs. Scott

Florida governor candidate Rick Scott is largely an enigma on energy and environmental issues. The hospital-chain executive, who eked out a surprise win over an establishment candidate in the Republican primary, has no record in public office to evaluate. His website's environment page consists of terse pledges to protect beaches and the Everglades. He hasn't been bringing up environmental issues on the campaign trail. When a reporter asked him about the scientific consensus on climate change, he said, "I have not been convinced," and was unsure what further evidence could convince him.

Scott would seem to be more certain on one issue: his support for offshore drilling. "It's a naïve, knee-jerk reaction to call for a ban on drilling," he says on his website in response to the Deepwater Horizon blowout that sent oil washing up on Florida Panhandle shores.

Yet Scott has backed off on this position too, saying in July, "We are not going to drill now. It's not safe. It doesn't make any sense ... [but] if we figure out some day that it's safe I think we ought to look at it.''

His opponent, Democratic state treasurer Alex Sink, has revealed more of her cards. She came out strongly opposed to offshore drilling when Republican lawmakers proposed opening state waters last year. She has released a detailed clean-energy plan centered on promoting efficiency, entrepreneurship, and partnerships between businesses and the state's universities.

"Right now, Florida's lack of a clear vision and a consistent energy policy is costing Floridians good jobs -- that ends when I am governor," she said in a news release.

So far, environmental issues haven't gotten much attention in Florida's jobs-focused gubernatorial race, despite the state's vulnerability to climate change and its largely untapped renewable-energy potential. Florida is particularly susceptible to sea-level rise, saltwater encroaching on its water supply, and hurricanes and tropical storms of increased intensity. And the Sunshine State would seem to be a natural hotspot for solar installations, yet it generates less solar electricity than New Jersey (even Massachusetts and Connecticut outperform it on a per-capita basis).

That's not for lack of effort from departing Gov. Charlie Crist, who became an unlikely climate leader, enacting a climate plan in 2007 and joining fellow Republican Arnold Schwarzenegger in organizing state-level action during the Bush years. But Florida's legislature prevented him from taking important steps, like implementing a renewable energy standard -- something 27 other states have used to attract cleantech businesses.

A renewable standard "is the holy grail of the [Florida] environmental community, something they've been working on for years," said Adam Rivera of Environment Florida. Sink supports one, while Scott hasn't made his position clear.

Florida's popular solar rebate program has a $40 million, 15,000-application backlog, and whether the next governor refuels it will be an early signal of his or her priorities, Rivera said.

The state also enacted a law last year that discouraged sprawl by making it easier for developers to build in dense urban areas. But a judge ruled it unconstitutional last month, and it could take leadership from the governor's office to pass a new version next year. [Update: A Florida commenter says the law wasn't clearly "anti-sprawl." While encouraged urban infill, it also made exurban growth easier; it's been called a sop to developers in response to the building-industry collapse.]

And, of course, Florida wields huge influence in national debates as a swing state and one poised to gain congressional seats in the upcoming redistricting process -- which the governor will oversee.

So it's worth knowing where the candidates stand on green issues, even if they aren't bringing them up.

Read the rest on Grist

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Only UF makes Sierra "Cool Schools" list

Sad but expected.  Only the University of Florida seemed to even respond to the Sierra Club environmental performance survey and even then were near the bottom of the pile - #84 of 100.

FIU, UM, how come you didn't try to make the list?  There's a good push at both schools to remake their image as "green" universities.  Hopefully they'll buck up and try to make the list next year.

A telling comment from someone else (not me) on the University of Central Florida - home to the nationally recognized Solar Energy Center - says:
...the conservation efforts of the students for a whole year are simply blown away by "Light up UCF" a light show for 50 nights from November 20 through January 8 with Ice Skating (in Florida), Ferris Wheel, Carousel, Ice Slide, Santa's Workshop, Free Holiday Movie Screenings, etc. They invite the whole state in and provide free parking. Thanks to the rest of the country for taking global warming and the attendant sea level rise seriously. Here in the most vulnerable state, a peninsula sticking out into the slowly rising ocean, we do not seem to care enough to even dim our lights.
 To view which schools DID make the cut, go to Cool Schools